Another year has almost passed. Researchers all over the world try to find solutions to find a therapy for the still incurable Usher Syndrome.

One of my highlights this year as a patient was my visit at a lab in Boston (Boston Childrens Hospital and Harvard Medical School). Dr. Gwenaelle Geleoc and other researchers work on a very promising research project on USH2A. I visited Gwenaelle in her lab to meet her and her team in order to get to know them better. So far, USHER BRIGHTNESS supported the project a little bit with a generous donation of EUR 1065,00 by my Grandma, Hedwig Heimann. I will keep you updated.

In case you would like to donate to the project, please let me know by mail: laura@ushrbrght.cc

Happy New Year!!

Gwen and me in her lab in Boston

Gwen and me in her lab in Boston